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BAYADERA GROUP is included in the list of active and responsible employers in Ukraine.
Why us?
BAYADERA GROUP team today is more than 3 500 employees, including the central office in Kiev, production sites in the regions and distribution network throughout Ukraine. 30% of our colleagues have been working in the company for 10 and more years.
Despite the war, employees take new positions; develop as managers and leaders for their teams. In the corporate culture of BAYADERA GROUP, communication has always been an important tool for introducing changes and adapting the organization to new conditions. Our business model is built on communication with all stakeholders: consumers, regulatory authorities, partners, contractors, employees and the government. The company regularly publishes an internal news digest, which communicates the main messages about organizational changes, tax payments, product updates, education, training and assistance to the UAF.
Main advantages of working for the Company
  • Фінансова винагорода
    Фінансова винагорода
    • Конкурентна та своєчасна виплата заробітної плати
    • Періодичний перегляд заробітної плати, індексація заробітної плати
    • Наявність системи KPI
    • Компенсація мобільного зв'язку
  • Соціальні гарантії
    Соціальні гарантії
    • Офіційне працевлаштування
    • Оплачувана відпустка, лікарняний
  • Стабільність та впевненість
у завтрашньому дні
    Стабільність та впевненість
у завтрашньому дні
    • Компанія є лідером галузі вже більше 30 років
    • Компанія активно розвивається
  • Розвиток
    • Розвиток
  • Турбота про працівників
    • Турбота про працівників
  • Кар’єрний ріст та професійний розвиток
    • Кар’єрний ріст та професійний розвиток
BAYADERA GROUP uses such employee development tools as competency model and team development map. Corporate competencies are formed in accordance with business needs and the ambitious goals we set for ourselves. This helps us to develop our employees, teams and business as a whole.
Corporate competencies of BAYADERA GROUP:
  • Energy and persistence in achieving results
  • Professional and technical skills
  • Customer orientation (internal and external)
  • Priority rating
  • Independence
Корпоративні компетенції
We use modern approaches and tools to develop employee competencies:
  • Offline, online and blended learning formats
  • Webinars, trainings, facilitation, telegram community
  • - Internal rotations based on competency-based assessment
інструменти розвитку компетенцій
On foot of a competency-based assessment, we form a talent pool of employees, identify, and recognize the best among them. Developing employees and unlocking everyone's potential allows us to achieve success together!Send resume
    BAYADERA GROUP Company is glad to see graduates of different specialties in its team. If you are a graduate or a final year student and you have a great desire to develop in a leading company in the alcohol industry, we invite you to start with an internship program or practicum.
    • Випускникам та студентам
    • Випускникам та студентам
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    All regions
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    Have not you found a vacancy?
    Do not be disappointed! If you have not found a suitable vacancy, send us your resume. We will contact you within 14 days as soon as a vacancy matching your experience becomes available.