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The year 2022 changed our lives... Ukraine under shelling, destroyed cities, crippled destinies... A year ago, on February 23, Ukrainians celebrated birthdays and weddings, planned vacations and the future, not suspecting that on the morning of February 24 they would wake up from rocket explosions. We withstood for a whole year and proved that Ukrainians are indestructible. In an instant, life became different forever. Already in the first weeks, business came to a standstill due to shutdown of operational activities and production processes, supply and sales channels, destruction of enterprises and logistics warehouses, increase in energy prices, increase in the cost of production, etc. 156 employees were immediately mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Territorial Defense. In such conditions, the holding accepted all risks and losses in favor of preserving the country's economy and people. The first reaction of the company was prompt payment of taxes to the budget. In addition, an urgent transfer of UAH 5 million to the account of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the National Bank and payment of salaries. Also, the license for the production of vodka in Belarus was promptly cancelled. From the invasion day until now, the owners of the Company and top-managers remain in the country together with the team. In March, a "prohibition" was introduced - a ban on the alcohol sale in Ukraine. For almost two months, and in some regions of the country even longer, the holding did not conduct commercial activities. Supplies of imported products stopped for 2 months, and export logistics came to a complete halt. Despite no sales and significant losses, the holding decided to pay taxes in full, pay salaries and allocate financial aid for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because this is one of the main priorities of the company and the public position of shareholders, managers and employees. Some of the branches, which are or were under occupation, suffered losses due to irrecoverable receivables. In the combat zones, trading points were smashed and looted with a complete loss of goods. In addition, the holding's warehouses and offices were attacked by troops and looted by the Russian aggressor. As a result, products, working capital, corporate cars, trucks, office equipment, etc. were lost. Branches in Chernihiv, Severodonetsk, Mariupol, Melitopol, and Kherson were the most affected. In the South, the primary grape processing facilities of PJSC “Radsad” and the facilities of LLC “Mycolaiv Cognac Plant”, including the cognac distilling plant, were fired upon by the occupiers. Production equipment, air conditioning and cooling systems were pierced by shell fragments. The most painful thing is the wounding of workers, and the most terrible is the death of an employee from enemy shelling right during the harvest. It was difficult to recover, but the lesson of war is the same for everyone - adapt to survive. The company began to restore production and work processes as soon as it became possible with the first successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, and then in the South and in Kherson. Since May, production has gradually resumed at National Alcohol Company, Mycolaiv Cognac Plant, KOBLEVO Winery, and later import and export began to work. Despite the war, winegrowers continue to take care of the land. In 2022, more than 16,500 tons of grapes were harvested, the wine from which can be tasted already in 2023. As soon as the situation was relatively stabilized, the enemy changed tactics. The company, like all Ukrainians, faced blackouts, a shortage of components and raw materials. The management promptly responded to the call, providing all branches and plants with generators. According to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the BAYADERA GROUP holding is the largest taxpayer in the alcohol industry of Ukraine. From February 24, 2022 to February 23, 2023, the Company paid more than UAH 3.4 billion of taxes to the state budget. The company concentrates its efforts on financial aid to the Ukrainian army, which amounted to UAH 24.4 million during the year of the war. UAVs, quadcopters with thermal imaging cameras, diesel generators, a portable device for vascular surgery, medicines, equipment, ammunition, protective equipment, etc. were purchased with these funds. The company will continue to transfer funds to the needs of the Armed Forces, and later for the reconstruction of the country. Regarding the situation in the alcohol market in 2022, due to a large shortage of glass, many shadow players disappeared, so companies that work legally and pay taxes managed to compensate for all the troubles of wartime and almost did not lose production / sales volumes compared to last year. This once again emphasizes that the fight against the illegal alcohol market greatly contributes to the disciplined payment of taxes, preserves jobs and fills the state budget even in difficult times. Results of BAYADERA GROUP in 2022: - Undisputed leadership in the vodka category since 2009. The market share in 2022 in the vodka category is 34.5% (sales in 500ml bottles 40%). - TOP-2 Ukrainian vodka exporter with a share of 23%. - The market share in the vermouth category is 42% (sales in 1L bottles). The export share of Ukrainian vermouths is almost 23%. - The European representative office of BAYADERA POLAND was opened. The leading vodka brands PERSHA GILDIYA, HLIBNY DAR, VOZDUH and KOZATSKA RADA united for a joint charity initiative “DONATE TO WIN!" to help our soldiers. Therefore, from October 2022 to January 2023 inclusive, UAH 10 from each bottle sold were transferred to the needs of the army. During the campaign, more than UAH 4,000,000 were collected. The collected funds were transferred to the Competent Army Assistance Foundation “COME BACK ALIVE”. With this money, the foundation purchased and transferred the necessary quadcopters for the 80th separate air assault brigade and modern radio stations for the 10th separate mountain assault brigade. In addition, the fund bought 2 radar video extractors that automatically detect targets and determine their coordinates. Such devices are used to protect our sky. So together we strengthened air defense from the South. And this equipment is already saving the lives of Ukrainians. 26 demining kits were purchased for the Sumy Military Brigade. Based on the fact that Ukraine is recognized as the most mined territory in the world, these things are very necessary at the front. We sincerely thank everyone who joined the initiative and, thanks to the purchases of our brands, made their personal contribution to the Victory! From 2023, we expect constant changes. We have already learned to adapt to such force majeure as war, which breaks all the usual stereotypes. So we are preparing to be flexible in all aspects, and optimistically look to the future, working for the Victory.

BAYADERA GROUP was established in 1991. Since 2008 the company remains the leader of the Ukrainian alcohol market and one of the largest vodka exporters thanks to TM HLIBNY DAR and KOZATSKA RADA. Currently, the company is the only producer of a wide range of alcoholic products in the country, namely: vodka, cognac, wine, vermouth and sparkling wine. Company news: Online store: Sincerely, BAYADERA GROUP press office